The Prince Albert Food Coalition has been serving Prince Albert and area for over 25 years

Anyone can be involved because everyone has the power to make a positive change in the community.

Members may include: 

Health Care Worker, Dietitian, City Police, Fire Department, Veterinarian, Librarian, Citizens, Farmers, Mental Health Worker, City Planner,  Creators, Educators, Energizers, Knowledge Keepers, Foodies, Gardeners, Horticulturist, Arborists, Food Producers,  Organic Lovers, Bee Keepers, Advocates, Writers, Thinkers, Doers, Guests, Students...


After several hunger conferences and food forums, the Prince Albert Food Coalition created a Prince Albert & Area Food Charter to reflect and expand its vision and mission.

Initially referred to as the hunger committee. In 2000 the name changed to PA Food Coalition.

The goal of the coalition has evolved from hunger alleviation to one of creating independence.

The Food Coalition remains active in our community by advocating for system changes that increase access to safe, nutritious food

In June of 2017, edible fruit trees were planted around the Rotary trail as part of a Canada 150 grant.

Annual Fall Food Fair promotes education and provides access to nutritious food options for community members.


The Prince Albert Food Charter, the third of its kind in Canada, was developed in 2002. 

The Food Coalition presented the PA Food Charter to City Council in March of 2002. At that meeting, the council passed the Food Charter “in principle”.

A high degree of involvement through conferences, meetings, consultations, and a strong review process by a variety of individuals, groups, and agencies from the community helped create this document. 

The charter returned to PA City Council twice (2004, 2006) to update the actions of the Food Coalition.

A Strategic Planning Session in 2006 with 22 individuals from various community groups and agencies participating. Three priorities were identified: 

  • Create an email database to link farmers to the Smart Families Food Co-op.
  • Continue to advocate for more easily accessible food, that is nutritious and culturally appropriate, for residents of the West Flat.
  • Promote more active living for children and families; programs should be accessible, safe, and organized and needed most during the winter months.

© Copyright Prince Albert Food Coalition